We present a facile method of writing single perovskite pixels onto
flexible substrates by inkjet printing of precursor solution. The
optimum amount of material per pixel was determined using multipass
printing. The surface morphology and surface energy of the substrate
were optimized to obtain welldefined pixels with a resolution of 500
dots per inch or higher.

The coating of organic molecules from the solution phase can result in
directional crystal growth under certain conditions, even on a smooth
isotropic surface and without the need of any kind of graphoexpitaxial
preparation of the substrate. Based on reviewing the results from a
variety of coating techniques and coating parameters, we identified
that it is crucial for the coating speed to match the growth speed of
the fastest growing crystal plane to achieve a high degree of
directional crystallization.

Scattering provides detailed insight into the structure of
materials, however lacks the immediate intuitive understanding that
imaging techniques provide. A collaboration of Binghamton University, Lawrence
University, Brookhaven National Lab and Stanford University has
attempted to remediate this situation. Combining state-of-the-art
microbeam GIWAXS with tomographic methods the team imaged the structure
of an organinc semiconductor in a transistor array ...
Detlef-M. Smilgies, Margaret K. A. Koker, Ruipeng Li, Leo Shaw, and
Zhenan Bao: "Grazing-Incidence Texture Tomography and Diffuse
Reflectivity Tomography of an Organic Semiconductor Device Array",
Chemistry—Methods 2022, e202200016.

Real-time in-situ GIWAXS has revealed much detail on the intricate
processing stages of lead halide perovskites, one of the most promising
class of materials for thin film solar cells. An overview is given on
techniques (one-step and two-step spin coating, blade coating) as well
as on basic materials, mixed anion cation systems and solvents...
Dounya Barrit, Ming-Chun Tang, Rahim Munir, Ruipeng Li, Kui Zhao, and
Detlef-M. Smilgies: "Processing of Lead Halide Perovskite Thin Films
Studied with In-Situ Real-Time X-ray Scattering", ACS Appl. Mater.
Interfaces 2022, 14, 23, 26315–26326.

GISAXS has proven to be a powerful method to characterize the structure
of block copolymer (BCP) thin films and BCP-based nanocomposite structures. Even
more so, the structure formation pathway and self-assembly kinetics can
be studied in great detail in real time using in-situ sample cells. This
overview introduces the reader to GISAXS scattering theory, good experimental practice, design
and application of in-situ apparatus, as well as selected experimental
examples. The perspective concludes with an overview of emergent
techniques and applications.
Detlef-M. Smilgies: "GISAXS: A versatile tool to assess structure and
self-assembly kinetics in block copolymer thin films", J. Polym. Sci.
2022, 60, 1023-1041.
Plasmonic multilayers based on DNA-coated gold nanoparticles

Gold nanoparticles coated with single-stranded DNA ligands have a
powerful dual functionality: The DNA ligands can be engineered with
highly specific end groups that selectively attach to DNA strands on
the surfaces of viruses and bacteria, or to detect microRNAs in the
bloodstream that are early cancer indicators. The gold core serves as a
light amplifier via the surface plasmon resonance for detection of
agents using for instance surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.
That's it: Detlef retires as a beamline scientist after 23 years of user support at ESRF and CHESS

At this point I would like to thank all my faithful users and
collaborators for bringing novel materials and exciting ideas to the
beamlines I was in charge of. It has been a wild ride all over the nanoworld! Rock on!
Bioinspired membranes: Teaching an old dog new tricks

Living cells control input and output from the cell to the surrounding
medium with highly specific channels formed by membrane proteins. In
order to make this specificity available to membranes...
We've got the beets: Food consumers may see red, naturally

Cornell food scientists hunting for a stable, natural red food coloring
to replace artificial dyes have unlocked a secret ...
During just the final half year of D-line operation in 2018, D-line users have published 19 articles in renowned journals on ex-situ and in-situ studies of soft materials...

Congratulations, Luisa Whittaker-Brooks, University of Utah and CHESS User, who has been named one of the
2018 Talented 12 by Chemical & Engineering News.

Nano-structure of thin polymer films is precisely controlled by new type of annealing
Metal Halide Perovskites (MHPs) are poised to revolutionize
the field of optoelectronic materials with their phenomenal performance
in solar cells, light emitting diodes (LEDs), photodetectors and lasers.
TeraPore Technologies,
the developer of advanced nanofiltration membrane systems for
bioprocess and other applications, announced that it has completed a $6M Series A financing round.
The assembly of colloidal nanocrystal building blocks
into ordered superlattices presents many scientifically interesting and
technologically important research challenges to create programmable
matter from “crystals-of-crystals”...

Organic-inorganic lead iodide perovskites are a much studied materials
class that have reached solar cell efficiencies above 22% – on
par with amorphous silicon – in only a few years after

Combinatorial thin film research can comprise hundreds of samples grown
with slightly different compositions or processing conditions ...

The MaMaSELF program, short for Masters in Material Science Exploring
Large-scale Facilities, is a two-year European Masters program in
materials science ...

Scientists and engineers are constantly working to improve the performance or solar cells ...

Mixed organic-inorganic halide perovskite materials have been in the
spotlight in the photovoltaics research community ...

Based on research spanning more than 15 years at CHESS and at HASYLAB,
Christine M. Papadakis at the Technical University of Munich (TUM),
Germany, Dorthe Posselt at Roskilde University, Denmark, and CHESS staff
scientist Detlef Smilgies published a comprehensive review on in-situ
solvent vapor annealing processes ...

Thermal annealing is a standard method for bringing block copolymer
films into their thermal equilibrium morphology. However, typical
thermal annealing is slow ...

The ability to precisely control every aspect of a material, even at the
nanoscale, is of critical importance in a host of applications ...

The SNIPS process (Self-assembly plus Non-solvent-Induced Phase
Separation) is a newly developed method to create asymmetric membranes
with well-defined pore sizes in the top separation layer, for instance
for ultrafiltration of proteins or viruses...
workshop sought to bring together scientists seeking to build and
understand new materials achieving exceptional properties through
assemblies of either organic or inorganic building blocks..
Knife-coated organic semiconductor blends with mobilities on par with single crystals

The paramount goal of organic electronics is to achieve high mobility in
organic transistors within solution-based coating methods ...
Transient phases during coating of an organic semiconductor film

A key element for bringing organic electronics to the market place is
the understanding of the microstructure formation during coating and
printing. The deposit microstructure limits the device performance...
Former CHESS user Shawn Tan wins Innovators award in new field of nanoplasmonics

This past November ten young innovators made it to EmTech Singapore's
Innovators Under 35 list, selected from over 100 applicants from Asia
and Australasia...
NASA Early Career Faculty Award for CHESS user Joshua Choi

CHESS user Joshua Choi, an assistant professor at the University of
Virginia, won a prestigious NASA Early Career Faculty Award ...
Impact of solvent and polymer additives on heterojunction solar cells

When building solar cells based on organic bulk heterojunctions
(BHJ), donor and acceptor semiconducting materials are deposited from
solution ...
Key to cooperative
Oswald ripening unraveled

diligent chemistry work on purifying small gold nanoparticles and then
reintroducing a variety of additives ...
Student Paper Prize to Gaurav "Gino" Giri

CHESS Director Joel Brock was pleased to announce this year’s
winner of the CHESS Student Paper Prize as Gaurav “Gino”
Giri ...
Poster Prize winners honored at CHESS Users'

important part of the annual CHESS Users’ Meeting is the display
and discussion surrounding users who present their work via posters ...

Nanorods are elongated nanoparticles with aspect ratios of typically
3:1 to 10:1 and thus have interesting structural and optical
anisotropies ...

D1 user Lina Botero of Cornell Fiber Science & Apparel Design in
the news: Lighted clothing that flashes to beat of music will hit
runway ...

When we
heat up something, we usually expect it to come out less ordered, e.g.
ice turns to water ...

the availability of the
Environment Lab, CHESS staff scientist Detlef Smilgies, also an
associate professor at the Cornell School of Chemical and
Biomolecular Engineering, took three aspiring chemical engineers under
his wings...